
Solana: Error GET /get-transactions: TypeError: s.Wallet is not a constructor

Here is an article that explains the problem:

Error while retrieving transactions on Solana with serverless functions

As a developer building serverless functions for Solana, you may encounter a common error when trying to retrieve transactions. In this article, we will dive deeper into the details of the error and provide some tips on how to resolve it.

The error

The error message “TypeError: s.Wallet is not a constructor” indicates that there is an issue with the way you are accessing the “Wallet” object in your serverless function code. The variable “s” likely represents an instance of the Solana SDK, which contains various utilities and functions for interacting with the blockchain.

In the context of retrieving transactions on Solana, the “Wallet” object is used to obtain a private key or account address that can be used to interact with the blockchain. However, when you call s.Wallet, it throws an error because s.Wallet is not a constructor.

Why does this happen?

There are several reasons why this error can occur:

  • Incorrect SDK version: Make sure you are using the latest version of the Solana SDK that supports your serverless runtime (e.g., @solana/client-js for Node.js).
  • Missing dependencies: Make sure all required dependencies, including s, are properly installed and imported into your code.
  • Incorrect function call order: The error can occur when you call a function before importing the Solana SDK.


To resolve this issue, do the following:

  • Check your SDK version: Make sure you are using the latest version of the Solana SDK for your serverless runtime.
  • Import Solana dependencies correctly

    : Make sure you have correctly imported the required dependencies into your code.

  • Check function call order: Make sure you are not calling a function before importing the Solana SDK.

Here is an example of how to modify your code to resolve the issue:

const { Client } = require('@solana/web3.js');

async function fetchTransactions() {

const client = new Client({

keyPath: "path/to/your/secret/key",


try {

// Fetch transactions

const txs = wait client.fetchTransactions();

// Process fetched transactions


} catch(error) {





In this example, we import the Solana SDK class ‘Client’ and create an instance using the provided secret key. We then call the fetchTransactions function to fetch the fetched transactions.


To resolve the error ‘TypeError: s.Wallet is not a constructor’ when fetching transactions on Solana with serverless functions, make sure you are using the latest version of the Solana SDK and have imported all required dependencies correctly. Ensure that your function call order is correct and consider adding logging or debugging statements to help identify potential issues.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure that you handle errors properly in your serverless functions, as they can provide valuable insight into potential issues.
  • Consider using a logging library like “winston” or “log4js” to track errors and exceptions to better analyze errors.
  • If you are building a complex application with multiple dependencies, consider using a dependency management tool like “npm-dev-dependencies” or “yarn workspaces” to ensure that all required libraries are installed correctly.

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